Sunday, August 8, 2010

You wanted it this way

This is a new song I wrote today:

You show up here
You say you want me back
You've had some time to think
I'm the best thing you have

And though you know
You told me it was over
Still you love me so
You don't wanna let me go.

But baby I've done thinkin
Some thinkin of my own
And now I need some time myself
Some time to be alone
What happened just can't be undone
Things just aren't the same
So remember that although it hurts,
There's no one else to blame:

You wanted it this way.
You wanted to have your space-
You wanted to say goodbye
But now you're in a better place
And suddenly- you see there's only me
for you
and you dont know what to do
cause now I'm gone,
and I've moved on.
but you wanted it this way.

You watched me cry
You turned around and walked away without a word
No more than just goodbye
I couldn't breathe.
Everything was you
Was nothing I could do
But somehow I made it through

And just when I can finally feel the sun upon my face
Just when I'm finally healing
and in a better place
Now you say you're sorry
Now you say you've changed
that you've got your act together
Your priorities arranged

But you wanted it this way,
You wanted a brand new start
And you never stopped to think
About my broken heart
Or how I felt
Or what-this-might-do to me
but now you finally see
but its too late, and I've moved on.
But you wanted it this way............

You wanted it this way..................

Now you decide you miss me
That you made a big mistake
But falling out of love was just a chance you had to take

you wanted it this way-
You wanted to have your space-
You wanted to say goodbye
But now you're in a better place
And suddenly- you see there's only me
for you
and you dont know what to do
cause now I'm gone,
and I've moved on.
but you wanted it this way.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hot July Day

So much to do, but the heat quells the spirit.
Loose ends to die, errands to run, calls to make, yet no desire
The sweat drips off my skin like wet paint.
dripping, down my back in long thin strokes,
I don't want to do anything today,
Maybe I will just sit here and write,
until the day, returns to night.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

the end

when someone you know dies.
it is always sad
you miss the talks. the times you had and suddenly you are reminded.
that despite the commitments:
the bills, the obligations, the milestones, the laughter, and tears.
It can all be gone in an instant.

You were a light. A true light that shined. It radiated from you like the sun itself. It made me want to be a better person, and anyone who knew you wanted to know how to get that light.

I know that you are in a better place, that your life now is far better than it ever was here,
I know you are in a better place with angels surrounding you.
a place of laughter, of happiness, a place with more light than even you could give.

And no one deserves it more than you.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All because of what he said...

He told her.
and she LEAPT for JOY!
ME! ME! How could this BE!
She smiled the loudest smile she had, the one with all the teeth and the waves and waves of

she put her hands down from over her head and she sighed, the biggest sigh she could muster.
The one that let out all the pain,
all the hurt,
all the residual memories that plagued her.
She looked at her own reflection and said

YOU! YOU! YOU deserve this my darling! You have earned this a thousand times over. Wash your face and put on that dress you have, for you are beautiful!
and then she made PLANS!

she dusted off the dreams she had left broken on the floor of her wounded youth. She dusted them off and she put them on the wall right next to the picture of her pretty face and her healing heart, and the one of the flower, plucked to the last bud.

She closed her eyes and smelled the air, she listened to the silence. It would be a memory she would never let
get any further than the front of her mind.

and all of this she did,
because he told her
I LOVE YOU. (and she knew he meant it)

tug of war

what do you say to someone who has come
into your life like water to a stream?
what do you do when everything he's done
seems like its coming to you in a dream

the more you try to shy and hide away
the more his presence seems to trickle in
and though you fight to keep his arms at bay
they melt you when they lightly graze your skin

the easy fix would be to just concede
give up the war and let him deep inside
although you aren't sure where this path will lead
he has your heart, relinquish now your pride

And yet you choose to play this game until
you finally surrender to his will.

The acceptance of excellence

how odd,
far to often we seek perfection
and yet when we find it within ourselves, however fleeting
we reject it.

We'd rather walk through fire, endure pain beyond fathom,
then simply acknowledge our own worth.

Why is this so?

Are we afraid that in giving the self some ounce of undue credit, we might topple the axis the very earth balances apon?
Do we fear the result of feeling so proud of ourselves that we strive to do more to better ourselves and better the lives of others?
Or perhaps that in appreciating ourselves, we leave ourselves unable to appreciate the good we see in others? In the world?

None of this is true.

Instead we must.
For once and FOR ALL
begin to be proud of ourselves.
I am strong,
I am good,
I am worthy of the love of others and I am worthy of the love of MYSELF!!
I deserve to be happy, and I am proud of the person I have become.